Obviously the beans (and more importantly nuts) are going to spill at some point, but so far the story and the characters in it have been surprisingly believable for a gay furry porn comic. Those conditions aren't exactly going to encourage him to suddenly come out to a gay friend right in the middle of a public place.
While Joe clearly isn't afraid to associate with an open homosexual, as a college jock he's probably internalised some homophobia and is reluctant to admit to himself that he's gay because he's afraid of being judged the way people judge Travis behind his back. Hentai magazines were originally designed for fulfilling the sexual fantasies of men. Known for presenting a wide range of sexual fetishes and fantasies, these comics come in both black and white as well as colored variations. Hentai magazines depict sexual imageries in a comic or cartoon form.
Joe clearly has some internal conflict over his attraction to Travis and still considers himself to be 'straight' bear in mind that just the night before that conversation happens Joe was having sex with a girl (which we know didn't work out because he's not attracted to women, but I'm 99% certain he wants to believe he is), and we know from Dennis' comments that there's a realistic amount of homophobia flying around the campus. that is mostly created and published in Japan. Honestly I think it would have been odd if Joe turned around and confronted Travis about his newfound feelings then and there. There are newer versions of this gallery available: Passing Love 2 (Ongoing), added 12:38